Pamela's journey into nature photography...

Pamela Willison Spurlock is an avid nature photographer whose passion for the outdoors began in childhood, where she roamed the forest as if it were her own playground. She crafted homes for frogs and worms, chewed tree sap, and hunted for edible treasures among the woods. Inspired by her father's photography, which captivated her in the darkroom as images came to life, Pam started a portrait photography business. After moving to Alabama, she found renewed joy in nature photography, where the scents of the forest and the beauty of sunrises and sunsets reignited her childhood wonder. Her exploration of insects in the fields opened up an endless journey, revealing the world’s magic in every tiny detail. When not behind the camera, Pam dedicates her time to volunteering at a local dog rescue, caring for her seven beloved animals, porch time with her husband and expressing her creativity through oil painting. Through her work and passions, she invites others to embark on their own journeys into nature, promising they will never view creation the same way again. Creation Calls.